
The Bow Wow Way

• The following policies exist in part so that "Bow Wow Dog Hiking" is able to generate a reliable source of revenue.

• They also exist for sake of transparency and to help maintain harmonious relationships with our customers.

• So we ask our customers to thoroughly familiarize themselves with the following core operating policies.

• And if and when new policies are implemented, current customers will be advised as soon as is possible.


Core Operating Policies:

With the following policies we aim to run a viable business model and at the same time provide an excellent service.

1. Please allow 24 hours for cancellations. Fees are non-refundable otherwise. (24 hours specifically means that notification is required BEFORE 12PM NOON the day before the walk or hike).

2. Every dog customer must come out a minimum of 8 outings per month.

3. All outings must be paid for in advance (weekly OR monthly). Your dog will not be walked if the fees have not been prepaid.

4. The fee for a dog that does not come out for his/her scheduled outing when the dog walker arrives at their home is non-refundable and can NOT be considered for use as a rain-cheque for a later date.

5. Hazardous weather conditions that develop after all dogs have been collected and taken to a forest are grounds for ending that days hike in the interest of safety for all. Fees for that day's hike are non-refundable.

6. It is preferred that your dog not visit doggie daycares. But if your dog is to visit a doggie daycare, it is required that your dog NOT come out with us until TWO WEEKS after the daycare visit due to the possibility of the HIGHLY contagious “Kennel Cough” being brought to the pack. If members of the pack get infected, it likely means a costly visit to the vet for every customer and can wipe-out a minimum of two weeks revenue for Bow WoW Dog Hiking.


The investment involved in bringing a new dog on-board is too costly for us to only walk it several times in totality.

Bringing a new dog into the fold involves:
a. Time getting to know the owner(s);
b. Time getting to know the dog and vice versa;
c. Time spent producing the dog’s “Customer Information Form”;
d. Time spent acclimatizing the new dog and the other dogs to each other.
e. Time for the new pup to feel comfortable in our vehicle while with the other dogs.


THANK YOU for your co-operation!

Your pup is going to have a great time with our awesome service! (If your pup isn't already doing so!)


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