Fun Hiking Videos!

These are little videos where we try to show everyone the kind of fun their dog(s) can have while hiking with "Bow Wow Dog Hiking"! It's the BEST dog walking service around because dogs get to be dogs in the funnest way possible. And be out of the house for up to 3 or 4 hours!


E V E R Y D A Y !!! hahaha! Love it!

"Gray" the 4 year old Husky/Malamute mix, gets along with EVERYBODY (man and dog alike) and puts up with "Mocha's" antics. She is after-all only 8 months old! She's a rough playing BUT super sweet Chocolate Labrador.

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Healthy Fun Play!

To some, this playfulness may look a bit rough or aggressive BUT knowing these dogs and always keeping an eye on their play is key to safe fun. Inappropriate behaviour towards other pups in the group is never allowed or tolerated. These guys are all good doggies!

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Short BUT sweet ...

A well oiled machine haha. Good pups these are!

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Oh how they listen!

An example of the different terrain the dogs encounter. Great fun and great exercise. Dog Hiking dogs have the best time.

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The two pups!

The two at the beginning of the video (Mocha & Duke) have THE BEST FUN together! Why you ask??? Because they're pups of the group! haha. (Well, they are one-year-olds now). And even the others like to get into the fray!  :D

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Disaster averted!  ; )

Hahaha someone has been getting braver and braver and wanting to get in on the ACTION! Good girl Lolly!!! (she wins the award for super cuteness!!!)

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Pups who's parents let them do everything!

For those pups whose owners want them to have ALL THE FUN in the world, no matter how dirty they get .... we do this! (If this is too much, we can hold your pup back from this kind of activity).

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Fetch & Chase!

Another example of the kind of fun your dog can have while hiking with "Bow Wow Dog Hiking"! I love this stuff!

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So many FUN times!

Another example of the total fun dogs have when hiking in our forests! (All dogs we walk are socialized enough that they can partake in group outings like this and they learn to obey our commands).

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A Must watch!

A really beautiful AND touching video of "Mocha" the Chocolate Labrador set to music! This was automatically created by my iPhone and I just happened to stumble across it one day!!! I was REALLY taken aback because Mocha had already moved to British Columbia at least 4-6 months prior to my seeing this montage! Miss her!

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Good Dogs, Good People, Good Times!

Tuesday, May 1/2018: This dog and his owner are good people. Ones you meet and get to know when you hike the same trails for several years. This is one of the great things about hiking!



Friday, August 24/2018: While out on a hike with “Bow Wow Dog Hiking” north of Markham, Ontario (in Canada), Ollie, a Samoyed has run off in the wrong direction. So I called to him to come follow Lenny, Hunter and myself and I started filming to catch him running towards us in slow-motion!
And when he reached us at ‘terminal velocity’, Lenny (the overly dramatic black Poodle) got a real shock! Hahahaha! :D